My 30 something daughters are now fussing at me for not teaching them how to sew, both hand stitching and using the sewing machine. I don't know how many times I offered to teach them but there were always the activities/distractions of the day that led to the "maybe tomorrow." Regarding the fore edge on the books: Back in the day, I would draw on my school text book edges, have to use a big pink eraser to erase all my doodles at the end of the year, and still have to pay a fine.

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I had no idea that the books predated the blog. Always thought it was the other way around.

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The Seth (Godin) recommended Debt as one of his favorite audiobooks.

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I love your letter so much too Austin! So many interesting topics, thoughts and informational tidbits. I had never, for example, heard of Fore-edge painting. I followed that through and that is something I am excited to try. Being 70 I am already starting to give some things to my kids and sets of classic writers and Agatha Christie which are leather bound, gold gilted and gold trimmed were among the first giftings. I am going to borrow one at a time to do some of the Fore-edge painting (I will of course practice on something less precious lol). Fascinating.

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That Exit Stage Left preview was sooooo interesting, really looking forward to that book. I definitely have a more charitable outlook on older artists and what they need to do to survive than I used to (still not sure about Pete Townshend allowing "Happy Jack" to be used to sell Hummers though.) Which reminds me, I should really get on reading Sellout by Dan Ozzi.

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Love Summer Brennan! Her newsletter is beautiful and vulnerable and always interesting. As someone who worked at a Canadian regional publisher AND a big box bookstore—100% right on.

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Thanks Austin! Loved the link to the Nick Daerden article - I've linked to it in the next issue of my newsletter; I run a storytelling show all about how music changes our lives, so this is right up my street! Also, I'm going to start indexing the edges of my books... :)

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Loved article on sewing! As a young child in the 60’s, if I wanted something new I had to make it myself. At 70, I am still sewing one of a kind garments for myself.

The stolen plants always grow is so true!

Love your weekly letters!

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Here’s another intriguing book about money: The Social Meaning of Money by Viviana Zelizer. For example, there are multiple kinds of money, not just the cash in your hand.

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Interesting that you mentioned Georg Simmel’s “The Philosophy of Money” today. I’m reading it right now and it is great. I wholeheartedly +1 this recc!

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It is a great read!

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