The SNL documentary! Robin Sloan’s writing! Much joy, thank you very much.

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Sunday February 2: Groundhog Day. 5:56. On the sidebar of austinkleon.com the post for 2/2/2021 was about Groundhog Day one year into the Pandemic. So today is Groundhog Day FIVE years on. Question for today: what is the equivalent of making an ice sculpture, doing something kind, playing the piano? Thank you Bill Murray. Thank you Austin.

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don't know what i'd do without my UHU gluesticks (21g). I buy them by the boxload. And i have a special box of japanese ricepaste glues as well as an assortment of wheatpaste glues for when gluesticks are just not enough which is, indeed, a rare event.

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I’ve got Brothers on my shelf! Looking forward to reading. Thanks for the recommendations on the other two Van Halen books.

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I love junk journaling ! Very relaxing I do admit for my NFL journaling I buy stickers but …there’s some funky stuff to be found which makes it more fun 🤩 helmets weird team numbers from years past lots of 10sand 15s (I wonder why?)

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Thanks for the reminder, so what if it’s crap. The important thing is to keep showing up.

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I, too, have a passion for glue. I feel like I have been to glue college, having experimented with so many types, and now have settled in to my favorites! I make junk journals, and sometimes they become art journals. Though they always start as junk journals. I have beautiful paper ,many, many types, colors and textures, which usually start a page with a collage, but my favorite supply is... scraps! Torn bits of packaging material, tiny pieces of fabric, old broken charms, and the odd button. They have so much character, and a beautiful "oldness" about them. I also love to put quotes on my pages, using wisdom from Kahlil Gibran to Miss Piggy. I could go on and on, but you get the idea! I am so glad that you shared the article about junk journals!

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There's a ridiculous but very uplifting DJ edit of that Charlie Chaplin speech: https://open.spotify.com/track/2VJc4bhwtkvX1tZ6so5MtR?si=187546c30e344800

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Thanks for the Charlie Chaplin info. Brilliant stuff.

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70% rule is wonderful. Thank you for sharing it. I think Oliver should put his name on that page.

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Wasn't that a great 7 minutes? I've just about finished Questlove's Music is History, so what a gift to watch that intro.

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