Awesome idea for an owl box. We have owls here. I hear them early am.... I have a bat box too I need to install 🦉🦇

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If your gig in Palm Springs is public, please tell me where and when! I would love to attend.

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I'm not surprised to learn that you were following Flaco's story: that he learned to hunt for his own food after years of having food placed in his cage, that he kept his bearings among the trees around the park, and that he was alone -- no female of his breed within thousands of miles.

Being reminded of him this morning and re-experiencing tender heart, my thoughts went to another true story, known the world over, of the Akita dog Hachiko who greeted his master every afternoon at a Tokyo train station after his commute home from his job. One day his master didn't get off the train because he had died at work. The next day, and every day thereafter until his own death nine years later, Hachiko returned to the station expecting to see his master again.

Two creatures with whom we do not share a common form of communication -- what we call language -- and so we cannot know their hearts, demonstrate what appears to be courage in the unpredictable world that WE DO SHARE with them. In the words you quote from the NYT writer, "It takes a daily effort to be free." Hachiko is honored for his loyalty, but what I see is love: it takes a daily effort to love.

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Thanks for the month-challenge grid of Feb (with 29 days). This is my second year doing something I named "Ambluary," where the challenge was to walk each day of the month. (On Feb 13 I shoveled snow for 40 minutes but I decided that counted toward the goal.) I wanted to send you a photo of the completed grid with crossed off days, but there's no way to include images here. But trust me, I did it. I really appreciate your support for projects like that. Really enjoy your work.

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I'm sick of writing February too. ALL HAIL MARCH!

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I am anxiously waiting for a screech owl or kestrel to occupy the box we put up. It's near the compost pile which is a larder of delicious mice. 🤞RIP Flaco.

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