I did have an experience with publishing my enthusiasm...I wrote acrostic poetry for @ 15 years & then I said..." I wanna see this in a published form!" So I self-published "HEALING IN SPIRIT: Poems to Comfort and Encourage the Heart" . It's been a huge thrill to see my poems fly out into the universe. So, your book KEEP GOING helped me keep going, & it still is helping me do that with other projects...Thanks!

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The Disney playlist is really fun for a staycation by the pool!

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I read DUNE in the hot Chicago summer of 1980 while pregnant. I knew I was never going to cool until I delivered and just went with it. So many science fiction movies, books and TV have stolen from it. Marks it as one of the great stories.

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Reading while melting at Buc-ees. Gotta our Texas detox.

I dig this lens of “enthusiasms.” It seems I have many of them. Right now I’m pretty enthusiastic about getting into some AC and re-reading a Philosophy of Walking.

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Thank you, fun reading/ thinking on a Friday morning.

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I first read Dune in 1973. I loved it then, I admit to loving the flawed but still amazing David Lynch 1984 version (Jose Ferrer! Patrick Stewart! Linda Hunt! STING!!!!), the 2021 film was fabulous, and I've reread the book in both print and audio versions. It is definitely a Texas-in-August staple, although reading it in the pool is probably cheating. Ha! Enjoy your weekend. Sorry I missed wishing you happy birthday on your big 4-0, Bloomsbaby!

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Thank you! I love the Lynch DUNE, too, and find the new one very bland -- looking forward to rewatching once I finish the book

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#1 I love that quote. I think the enthusiasm is deepening while talking about the work you do/ the passion you have, especially if people are open to it. Talking about music is really my thing but I just love discovering people's passions and that's where I found the enthusiasm. People will talk when they feel they are listened and talk even more if they are passionate. And what's even cooler is that you can't fake enthusiasm.

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#2 I’ve really gotten into this blended print/audiobook experience. (My book club friends call this “tandem reading.”) I just did it this week with the delightful The Lincoln HIghway by Amor Towles. It makes it easier to put a good book down if you can plug into the audio while doing housework and dog walks!

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Crucial for me is being able to get the audiobook through the Libby or Hoopla app through from the library!

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Same! Although I also have a Libro.fm account.

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Turn Every Page is excellent! Sent me exploring.

Just finished, Sarah: The Life Of Sarah Bernhardt and currently reading Lives And Letters both by Robert Gottlieb.

Waiting on The Power Broker from the library..

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from your "Community and creativity in mundane retail spaces" post - - - "it was still a good hundred miles even to Abilene, itself no isle of grace." (Larry McMurtry) - - - which led me to wonder where Abilene was - - - which led me to this website https://www.oldmapsonline.org/ - - - i've printed off an old map of Abilene and I am adding Larry's words to it :) your newsletters are always inspiring Austin

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Wonderful enthusiasm. I like your staycation playlist idea! And thanks for the 20% off. I'm a long reader and enthusiast of your work! Cheers, and happy weekend Austin.

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I have yet to read Polan but did enjoy the Netflix series based (I believe) on his book “Cooked”. The “Air” episode I particularly enjoyed because it covers fermentation and baking breads. This might be right up your wife’s alley with her pizza making. https://grainfoodsfoundation.org/netflix-michael-pollans-cooked-episode-air/ - will check out his “Food Rules” book. Thanks for sharing.

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I’ve read Pollan’s Cooked, The Botany of Desire, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, A Place of My Own, In Defense of Food. All deeply interesting and the primary source of me changing food habits, caring more deeply about the environment. I haven’t read Food Rules, but the above are excellently written and not preachy.

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1) thanks for starting my day with Dune quotes. ^_^

2) bouncing from the quote at #7 though:

“Into this wild abyss, the womb of nature and perhaps her grave.”

- which is Paradise Lost, but I know it because it’s the beginning of the epigraph to Philip Pullman’s Golden Compass ( #4).

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Subscribed. Every Friday when I get your email, I think this is so good - it’s my fun brain candy. Your offer to subscribe at the special rate got me to commit. Keep rockin’ it !

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