speaking of the sound of cicadas - when my son was little he thought that was the sound the sun made when it was hot - i often think this would make a cool children's book about cicadas

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that's beautiful

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I saw the title of this newsletter and got so excited! Thank you for listening to listening in this post. For me, Listening IS the whole deal. I wrote about listening in my dissertation which became my book and now the world seems to confirm the importance of listening constantly -- and listening tugs at my attention constantly. Here's my book, Race Sounds: The Art of Listening in African American Literature: https://www.amazon.com/Race-Sounds-New-American-Canon/dp/1609385616?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=22b08a15-ab2f-4166-a755-222b9e8b4c54

I now draw on listening in the education leadership programs I run and the medical school class I teach.. Thank you again for this and all your newsletters!

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Jul 26Liked by Austin Kleon

Hi everyone. I'm almost done reading "Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control". Probably I heard about it from that April post, or maybe from an Ezra Klein book recommendation?

It's nice that these comment boxes are so small and manageable. One of my perfectionist things is that I have a hard time starting and then continuing on after the start, so writing a little comment like this is nice practice (also I've been telling myself to be more involved here, so let's go!). Thanks, all!

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What a fantastic list today! I’m enjoying the soundtrack to “Perfect Days” with my coffee. Excited to see the film and rewatch “Patterson.” I’m feeling wobbly in my writing just now and need to be reminded “why I love writing.”

Also love Ron Padgett, his poem How to be Perfect” is “a keeper,” as my grandmother used to say. From the poem, “make eye contact with a tree/ Learn something every day./ wear comfortable shoes.

Which puts me in mind of Lydia Davis’s poem, “I’m Pretty Comfortable But I Could Be A Little More Comfortable.” In which she says, “The people in front of us are taking a long time choosing their ice cream./ My fork is too short./ my Band-Aid is wet.” The amassing of petty complaints is wonderful and somehow affirming my ridiculous and beautiful humanity!

Really got the Kleon bump this morning! 🥳🙏🏼 Thank you 😊

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Perfect Days should be the booster you need!

And maybe this quote I just read — gotta get in love with the world! http://tumblr.austinkleon.com/post/757085562732756992

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Thank you 😊

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Jul 26Liked by Austin Kleon

Best post yet, Austin, and they are all pretty dang good. Thank you. I’ve got me some movies to watch and things to read.

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Thank you, Austin, and because I just found this last night and it's amazing and I thought you might do a post on the subject of Dragons (I hope you will!) here is something great worth listening to by speaking it aloud. And doing it often . . .

O To Be a Dragon

by Marianne Moore

If I, like Solomon,…

could have my wish–

my wish…O to be a dragon,

a symbol of the power of Heaven–

of silkworm

size or immense; at times invisible.

Felicitous phenomenon!

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I know nothing of Dragons! Maybe this is the start

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Let it be so! Maybe your boys can fill you in? They might be experts!

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This post from Geoff Manaugh’s new Substack seems like it’s right in your wheelhouse! All about how Steven Soderbergh recently shared that he burned all of his old notebooks, and how Manaugh was also personally going through a shift from writing by hand (mostly for himself) to writing online (mostly for others). Thought you would enjoy!


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Every day I do a free write for thirty minutes. Plop down in front of a blank page, set a timer, and listen. That’s the best way to put it. None of it feels like it comes from me, which is quite the relief! You get to toss the rubbish without any attachment. “I don’t know who came up with that,” you might say as you look at a scribble in your handwriting, “but it’s destined for the dust bin.”

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My art is improv, so a whole newsletter about listening resonates pretty hard! It's tricky to share any improv in a forum like this but highly recommend that anyone interested go check out their local improv group and notice how good they are at listening with their whole bodies. (Or if they're not great Improvisors yet, how much listening would help 😆)

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Listening to the work resonates. I might try it, I’m learning to listen to the audience, but listening to the work seems like another level.

How do you listen to a work?

I’m getting the book!

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Most every newsletter you post leads me down a thrilling and discovery-full rabbit hole. I'm currently reading the book of stories by Norman Maclean, "A River Runs Through It," for the second time, the second reading beginning immediately following the first, that was recommended in a post of yours from a few weeks ago. It is so good, true and beautiful and I'm sure I will read it again and again. Regarding this week's post, I have seen a few poems by Ron Padgett before (How to Be Perfect) and now have ordered a book of his poems from the library. There was a female poet mentioned that I wanted to check out as well...Melissa, Melinda? I can't seem to find it again. I would love to read her poems.

Thank you, Austin. I look forward to your posts more than anything else I get in my mail.

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Thank you for mentioning Jim Jarmusch He has been my fave filmmaker since I first viewed Stranger than Paradise the year it came out ! My kids laugh at me but The Dead Don’t Die was the kind of film I have always wished won the big awards . Patterson is a masterpiece ❤️

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Great post. I loved, loved, loved Paterson and Padgett's poetry. Looking forward to Perfect Days, thanks for reminding me about this movie! I had not known the backstory about Wenders and the toilets.

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I'm probably more into toilets than most people. For example: I think everyone in America would be much happier if they installed a bidet seat on at least one toilet in their house and learned to use it!

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LOL Austin! We had a bidet in one of our former homes and I miss that gadget! I am suitably impressed by the Japanese obsession for these accoutrements.

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The Garden of Words is a beautiful movie! Got to watch it on a plane and the screen was nowhere near big enough to appreciate all the stunning depictions of nature. Still conflicted on how to feel about the ending however..

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The ending is so weird! And then that song plays! I don't think I'm really tuned into the anime over-the-top emotion thing.

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