Hi Austin! Can you say a little something about how you use the map once it’s done? Specifically, in the video we can see you’ve started a linear, numbered list that includes some of the things in your mind map. What’s that? 🙂 Thank you!!
Who has tried plugging text into a Word Cloud ?-- words used most often are bigger than others. Like a Mind Map, but visually different. Surprising what words dominate my Morning Pages lately. ("Austin" was one because I've been taking notes.). Check out freewordcloudgenerator.com.
As always, there's so much here to think about. The ideas and presentation are very creative, at whatever point we are at, because we can connect and build on what we want, pay attention and benefit. Thanks.
Hi Austin (and hello fellow subscribers) - I already have your three books and subscribed just now :) I was wondering if you (and anyone here) could elaborate on how you use this mind map technique specifically to get unstuck.
For example, suppose you have one or more particular projects but you feel stuck as to how to move the project(s) forward. I suppose you could start with writing down a project by name, then particular aspects of the project that you are having difficulty with…? But this seems much less of the general stream of consciousness exercise that you share in your video, and maybe too concrete of an approach…? I would really welcome observations from you and others who have used this technique to successfully get their projects (or themselves in general ;) unstuck. Thanks very much!
Love mind maps -- though admittedly I haven't been writing much at all atm. Perhaps a way into writing more? I love how your mind maps also function as pieces of art -- filling up the entire page with bubble, text, and image. If someone has a fear of blank space, I feel like mind maps are the way to go.
I’m definitely going to give this a go!
Hi Austin! Can you say a little something about how you use the map once it’s done? Specifically, in the video we can see you’ve started a linear, numbered list that includes some of the things in your mind map. What’s that? 🙂 Thank you!!
Very interesting! I’m going to try it ! I am curious about the “pirates and farmers” note! 🧐
Who has tried plugging text into a Word Cloud ?-- words used most often are bigger than others. Like a Mind Map, but visually different. Surprising what words dominate my Morning Pages lately. ("Austin" was one because I've been taking notes.). Check out freewordcloudgenerator.com.
Just tried this, thank you!
Your newsletter is valuable. I plan to become a paid subscriber.
Loving the little sculls.
Thank You Austin, this is a wonderful tool you have equipped me with now, and Thank You for making this available for me to read.
As always, there's so much here to think about. The ideas and presentation are very creative, at whatever point we are at, because we can connect and build on what we want, pay attention and benefit. Thanks.
Love this and also now I have the song "Map of Your Head" by Muse stuck in my head and I'm 100% okay with that.
the map (web) appearance of an iris, o how unique I.D. beauty can be!! (don't forget to add a lil color!)
Hi Austin (and hello fellow subscribers) - I already have your three books and subscribed just now :) I was wondering if you (and anyone here) could elaborate on how you use this mind map technique specifically to get unstuck.
For example, suppose you have one or more particular projects but you feel stuck as to how to move the project(s) forward. I suppose you could start with writing down a project by name, then particular aspects of the project that you are having difficulty with…? But this seems much less of the general stream of consciousness exercise that you share in your video, and maybe too concrete of an approach…? I would really welcome observations from you and others who have used this technique to successfully get their projects (or themselves in general ;) unstuck. Thanks very much!
I use mind maps for my lectures and classes, I recommend Tony Buzan's books
Saw a great talk with you and Dan Roam. Thank you. Subscribed too.
Thanks man, can't tell you how much I needed that in my inbox today. Great video!
Love mind maps -- though admittedly I haven't been writing much at all atm. Perhaps a way into writing more? I love how your mind maps also function as pieces of art -- filling up the entire page with bubble, text, and image. If someone has a fear of blank space, I feel like mind maps are the way to go.
thank you for sharing, I seriously love your journaling style! I also just published my first post on substack -- feel free to check it out :)